Vampires - usually blends into the gothic culture... Lifestyle Vampires seek the culture and lifestyles of the supernatural Vampires they watch on TV. The level of commitment can range from Vampire night clubs and vampire games to full out covens, living arrangements within vampire families.
Girl vampires are real said 13 year/s ago: And male vampires are only real, if they are gay.
Are they vampires too? said 13 year/s ago: - they look like vampires, act like vampires, but I'm not sure...
Real vampires said 13 year/s ago: Yet another photo of true, real vampires: - camera doesn't lie!
Vampire lifestyle said 13 year/s ago: Some people doubt that a vampire could be straight. Is it living the vampire lifestyle the cause?
Evidence photo said 13 year/s ago: Another inarguable proof that vampires are really real: - who could doubt it now?
Real photo of Vampires said 13 year/s ago: Another genuine photo! This photography of vampires is 100% real.
Of course vampires are real! said 13 year/s ago: Haven't you seen all the pictures and movies? There are tons of evidences that vampires are real! How can you be that stupid!!!!
Real? said 13 year/s ago: Vampires are just a myth.
Real vampires said 13 year/s ago: Haha, the photo is awesome.
Real pictures of REAL vampires said 13 year/s ago: I can't find any pictures of real vampires - photos or anything...
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