Hotel Shri sai nivas is an accommodating place in shirdi. Provides online hotel booking to all Devotees. We go the extra mile to make sure you have a great time in Shirdi. We provide exquisite facilities. We have wide varieties of rooms including Master suite, Suite, deluxe suit, special room. The stylish interior of the hotel offers our guest all the warmth with state-of-the art convenience and amenities. We provide our customers best facilities and round the clock service.
The exclusivity of the shri sainivas is experienced with the big portrait of the lord shri shirdi sai baba and big reception, waiting halls with attractive interiors. All the rooms are fitted with televisions, air conditions, cushion beds and well cleaned, maintained wash areas and bathrooms with jaguar fittings.
The hotel has all latest amenities such as elevators for easy commuting of tourists, waiting halls, huge parking place, children play are and the green walkways
Hotel shri sainivas is accommodated with a two pure veg restaurants where always quality food is served on customer’s interest and taste. We have an excellent and professional team who excelled in hospitality and understand customers. Our hotel has been a destination of choice for pilgrims and devotees of Sai Baba arriving at Shirdi, for Sai Baba darshan.
We always strive to give excellent hospitality and customer service to the customers. Customers having problems with accommodation at shri sainivas or any online problem regarding the online booking in advance. They can directly contact at 08977556012 or can mail at all the queries will be solved ASAP...
hotels in shirdi said 11 year/s ago: <a href=""> Hotels Sai Vishwa </a> is counted amongst the <a href=""> best hotels in shirdi </a>. Being a tourist and devotee spot, Shirdi attracts many visitors. To maintain the competition it is not only necessary to provide good service but also service at a reasonable rate.Check out the <a href=""> budget hotels in shirdi </a>, and you will find that our rate is not high but we are amongst the <a href=""> best hotels in shirdi </a> in terms of service and satisfaction. We also take care of your accessibility and we are situated very near to the Sai Baba Temple. Amongst multiple hotels near Sai Baba temple, this is one of the best hotels that can be found amongst the many <a href=""> Hotels in Shirdi </a>
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