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-~- Free
-~- Online (no download & installation needed!)
-~- Generates nice ASCII text banners ;-)
Text banner ASCII said 13 year/s ago: The tool for generating ASCII text is awesome!
ASCII said 13 year/s ago: I meant: "so it is much better to use a good tool for generating it" of course :-)
Generating ASCII said 13 year/s ago: Any ASCII text must be well-prepared, so it is much better to use for generating it a good tool.
ASCII banner online said 13 year/s ago: Really great to use these free, online banner-ASCII text generators!
Text generator said 13 year/s ago: What can I say? The generator at http://ascii-text.com/ is great, as well as one at http://asciiset.com!
ASCII Banner Generator said 13 year/s ago: There's ASCII "text": http://ascii-text.com/online-ascii-banner-text-generator/twisted/text banner I've just generated!
Image to ASCII/text said 13 year/s ago: If you are looking for a tool to convert an image into text/ASCII, then http://ascii-text.com/image-to-text-ascii-converter-online can be useful too!
HTML-ASCII said 13 year/s ago: There is also a tool for ASCII-like HTML: http://ascii-text.com/generate-colorful-ascii-text-html-online it's of course free :-)
ASCII generator said 13 year/s ago: Indeed, asciiset.com is great, but I also love http://ascii-text.com/ which is quite similar by the way :-)
Large words (text) ascii generator said 13 year/s ago: Really nice ascii banners generator, thanks...
ASCII generator said 13 year/s ago: ASCII table shouldn't be an image, but the text banner generator works just perfectly!
jaesun said 13 year/s ago: good. good good good good good
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